Friday, 5 June 2015

Creeds & Confessions

Throughout the history of the church of Christ Jesus, from time to time, believers would create what are known as creeds or confessions.

These were created in order to give a summary (usually), of the core beliefs of the faith or denomination.

This means that whoever doesnt believe these things are not in the faith, or part of that denomination.

Some take the form of a long list of doctrinal statements.

These are mainly used for denominational boundaries, and can be quite in-depth.

Creeds and confessions are ultimately a tool that condenses the theological truths and commands that are found all throughout the bible.

So, although they are not infallable, meaning that they aren't perfect and may contain errors, they are helpful to ground one in the basics of sound christian doctrine as well as the doctrine of individual churches and denominations.

Churches, and individual believers. who are more doctrinally minded use the agreeing or disagreeing of creeds and confessions in order to identify which "stripe" of christianity other believers are in.

However, if someone is ignorant of creeds and confessions, they may find themselves feelingva bit ostracised from a number of theological groups, even if they agree on many points.

At the same time, the reason for examining creeds and confessions shouldn't be for acceptance. At least, not primarily.

It's to expand ones understanding of scripture, doctrine, the faith, ultimately God, through the scholarship of the many believers who came before us, building on the foundation laid down by the prophets and apostle, where Christ is the corner stone.

To that end. We will be taking a look at some creeds and confessions over the next few days.


Thursday, 4 June 2015

State of the Union

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the long absence of posts (as if anybody reads this lonely blog in the far corner of the interwebs).

I've been really busy with work and family.

Currently looking to do some audio blogs as well.

There are loads of things that i want to blog about, but usually don't have the time and/or energy to write about it.

Whereas, if i was just talking, it would be much easier.

Obviously, i'd still write blogs, but anything that would be really long to read, you can listen to instead.

Hopefully i can get on this sooner rather than later.

There's also the matter of updating the book on tithing, and I have another book that i've had on the back burner for awhile.

A lot of things in my head that I want to get out.

Watch this space.
