On this day, the american colonies, won their freedom from british rule.
Those who fought against british rule were armed as they believed it was necessary to protect themselves.
The main reason for fighting was that the british government was passing laws that those in the colonies had no say in.
"Taxation Without Representation"
A lot of those that came to the new world, did so because of religious persecution. They were mainly christians.
The freedom from british rule enabled those in the new world to set up their own government, which would have within it, wisdom gained from fighting british rule.
The governments power was split up, so that no one person had all the authority.
The law giving americans the right to bear arms was, primarily, to defend themselves against the government itself.
Just in case their fail safes were breached, and the government became oppressive, just like the british government they fought to free themselves from.
And one more thing that was put in place, was the separation of church and state.
The government was not to opprose religious liberty.
Part of this was allowed churches to not pay taxes, as taxes would become a way for the government to impose their desires upon the religious.
This was to be a new age of freedom.
Today, we celebrate that new age of freedom that was won so many years ago.
We should also take a look around and see that we have also left a lot of those freedoms behind.
The right to bear arms to protect oneself from not only robbers but the government, is being stripped more and more.
There are calls for churches to pay taxes and for the government to force those who are religious to do what the government says.
Many laws are being passed without representation. And when the majority speaks up, their voice is denied by unelected officials.
It seems that the United States of America has actually turned into the very thing that those people fought for so many years ago..... Old British Rule
Happy 4th of July to my friends and family
I hope the bbqs and fire works don't distract you from the signifance of what's been going on