In 2 Chronicles 18 (open your bible and read it), we are given an historical account of "showdown" between a large group of false prophets, and 1 true prophet.
But, this is not the story of elijah. It's not the story of moses, joseph, elishah, or even daniel.
It's a brief account of a "minor" prophet whose name is Micaiah, son of Imlah.
On one hand, you have 400 men who have been counted as prophets of God.
Prophets of God mind you. Not prophets of baal, or asherah, or any of the other false gods that israel worshipped from time to time.
No, they were counted as prophets of YHWH.
And on the other hand, you had micaiah. One man.
All 400 prophets of God prophesied one thing, and micaiah prophesied the exact opposite.
Now, we can read and see that regardless of the numbers, the only real prophet who was present, was micaiah.
The 400, were all false prophets.
But here's the kicker, when micaiah spoke the word of God, one of the false prophets replied...
"Which way did the Spirit of the Lord go from me to speak to you?”
These 400 prophets actually believed that they were speaking what the Holy Spirit was telling them.
They would've viewed themselves as having confirmation as well, seeing as how so many other "prophets" agreed as well.
And what was micaiah's reward for speaking the truth?
He was punched in the face and locked up in prison.
In the New Testament, we are warned over and over of this very thing.
Matthew 7:15 (ESV) Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Matthew 24:24 (ESV) For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
2 Peter 2:1 (ESV) But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.
There are many people who name the name of Christ, who hold on to their favorite preacher/pastor/bishop/"prophet"/"apostle" more tightly than they do the word of God.
Instead of, 'what does the word of the Lord says', people refer back to what this person had said.
Instead of being convinced of doctrine via the word of God, they are convinced through, as our brother paul puts it, "words of eloquent wisdom"
There are many christians today who esteem false prophets, false prophetesses, and false teachers, as actual... God approved and anointed... leaders in the church.
And just like micaiah, when you bring the actual word of God to them or their many followers, which clearly contradicts them, they are quick to ostracise and attack you.
Let us always be a people who examines everyone and everything via the light of scripture.
The Bereans were esteemed as more noble because they didnt give the apostle paul a pass.
He too was scrutinised, and examined through the scripture.
The written word of God is more sure than any dream or vision we think God has given us.
The scriptures are our nourishment, and guide, as we walk in faith.
We should strive to put our full trust in what God had caused to be written down and preserved for our benefit.
We should not add, nor take away from the scriptures. We should not go beyond what the scriptures say. We should always exegete and not eisegete thr scriptures. We should judge everything by scripture, which is a lamp to our feet and a guide onto our path.
Let us hold fast to what has been written and handed down to us with much bloodshed.
Stand upon the word of God, regardless of whether or not we are attacked by those who are unregenerate or those who claim to be our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Read, study, and meditate on the word of God.
As it's His word, that will never pass away.