Saturday, 12 September 2015

Train Your Emotions

Christianity is a thinking man's religion.

We serve Christ when we bring our mind and our emotions, under His authority.

By reading, studying, and meditating on the words of God, we are to conform our mind to His truths... His ways.

At the same time, when we encounter these truths, we are to bring our emotions under subjection.

We are to reign in our emotions, that are usually desiring to run wild.

It's not that our emotions are evil, it's not that we are not to serve God without our emotions, but just like we must bring our outward actions in line with Christ's commands, we must bring our inward emotions (or in a lot of cases, the outward expression of our inward emotions), in line with Christ's commands.

Our emotions are often led by our circumstances.

It's our emotions that often leads us into deception, especially when it comes to the things of God (i.e. theology).

Many people have exchanged 'being on fire for God', or zeal for the things of the Lord, into sheer emotional hype.

They have substituted the actual manafestation of God, for their own subjective emotional experience - especially when there is praise and worship involved.

This has caused the term, 'i feel the presence of God', to be practically meaningless.

In these last days, we see emotions being the sole reason (or one of the main reasons) why governments are creating laws that go against God's clear commands.

And, its sad to say, even in the visible church, we see the exact same thing.

Biblical doctrine that's been held since Christ founded thd church, is being over-turned because of emotions.

The commands of God, what His words say and mean, are no longer the standard, but how people feel about a particular subject.... their emotions.

Many people state that the Holy Spirit has told them something, and when someone points them to scripture that contradicts what they say, instead of bowing to scripture, they exhault themselves above the words of God.

And the self deception is rampant in those who are emotionally driven.

They will say amen to biblical statements, and turn around and teach the exact opposite of what they said amen to.

If we are disciples of Christ, let us constantly be over what our master has said. Let us be about what our master has told us to do.

When we arent sure, we go to our master and ask Him, knowing that He has left us instructions to follow in scripture, that is supposed to be sufficient for every good that the christian does.

The psalmist delights in the written law of God. Peter tells us that even though He was physically there, and saw the transfiguration of Christ, that the scriptures are better and sure.

In these last days, many people are already being deceived... and will continue to be deceived. Those who name the name of Christ, or also not immune to the effects of this.

But if we keep seeking God and His will, in His word, as He instructs us to, then we will not have to be ashamed.

The imagination and emotion of man, will indeed lead many into doctrinal errors, even grave heresies that they wouldve been condemned to death if they were under God's law.

Seducing spirits will also intice many to believe lies about God, and have people doing and saying some of the most blasphemous things.

But those who seek to carefully obey the words of God which were given to guide/direct us - those same scriptures that contains the true prophecies of God - they will always walk on the path of life.