Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Invalid Evangelism

Saying that Jesus loves you is not the gospel.

God shows His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (on our behalf).

Even though that is scriptural, without the knowledge of God perfect creation, man's rebellion against God, the holy law of God as well as the just punishment of those who transgress the law - saying Jesus died for ones sins has little meaning to the one that is perishing.

Without bringing the abiding wrath of God upon the minds of those who are listening... without informing them of the great impending doom that can befall them at any time the Holy Judge of all creation decides, people will not be looking for someone to save them.

Therefore, we must be diligent in bringing the full knowledge  of the cross to our hears. Who is Jesus. What did He do. Why did He do it. How does that relate to them.

We should leave our hearers with the first commands requires of them from God, repent (turn from) of your sins, and turn to Christ Jesus for forgiveness.

Saying, Jesus loves you, is not good enough.

After all, a cross-less gospel presentation is not a gospel presentation at all.