Monday, 26 November 2018

For the love of God

Quite often, we hear the phrase "for the love of God" used to express someone's stress or to put emphasis to the gravity of an action, i.e. "Stop! For the love of God"

While it's commendable to draw to mind our love of God and His love towards us when it comes to our actions, as with the name of Christ, the phrase has been turned into a common expletive instead.

It's not used to draw ones attention to God at all, but is become an off hand secular phrase.

However, in the hands of the christian, this shouldn't be the case.

Just like 'Oh my God!' shouldn't be used in a way that devalues God, to a believer, it should actually be used for a holy purpose.

Invoking God shouldn't be so commonplace that it loses its meaning. It should be intentional.

When it becomes commonplace, we are calling the Lord's name in vain.

To the unbeliever, this isn't an issue. That's because they don't love the Lord. They have no love for Him and they don't recognise any sort of the love from Him either.

To the believer, this should be a way to encourage one another and ourselves to good works.

We should always recall God's love towards us, and as recipients of His love, seek to love Him back.

We should identify where we are falling short in our love, repent, and walk upright before the Lord.

For the love of God, our King, our Saviour, let us caste off the sin that so easily ensnares us and walk humbly before Him.
