Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Satan's Agenda...?

What is Satan's Agenda?

Why would I even think of such a question!?!

Well... I heard some news about somebody that killed someone with an axe and did it calmly showing no emotion. When he was done, he stayed by the body and waited for the police to come get him. When the police asked him why he did it he just told them "It's complicated. It's private."

This is what prompted the question.

So I ask again, what is Satan's agenda? What is his plan for mankind?

The quickest and easiest answer that resounds in my mind is that he wants to take us to hell with him. However, I honestly believe that it may be deeper than that, or not even that at all.

What does the Bible say?

The bible records for us some of the thoughts and actions that turned Lucifer into Satan.

If you do a word study on those names you can see that they are different. Although they belong to the same "person", they are two distinct "personalities". Lucifer means "day star" or "morning star". Satan means "adversary".

Lucifer is the name our God gave him before he sinned. Satan is the name our God gave him after he sinned.
Lucifer was an anointed cherub.

When we read Ezekiel 28:13-19 we see that these portions of scripture can be attributed to Lucifer because the king of Tyrus wasn't in the garden of Eden but Lucifer was. That is what Satan used to be.

Satan's wishes...?

If you read Isaiah 14:12-14 you will see that basically Satan wants to be God or like God.

Obviously, he doesn't qualify, but yet that is what he wants to be.

Here is where, I believe, his agenda starts.

I honestly believe that Satan thinks he can win against God. In Revelations, Satan actually brings war against God, usually referred to as Armaggedon.

I believe that Satan has become totally obsessed with his cause of becoming like God. So obsessed is he, that he is blind to the absolute power of the One that created him, even though he sees God's power all the time.

It seems that Satan's understanding and wisdom has been darkened since his sin. He sees God's power but yet still doesn't see that he can not possibly defeat him.

So... What does Satan want?

Those are the things I believe about Satan.

Yes, he knows about the bible, and what the bible says about him, but I don't think he believes it.

I don't think Satan's goal is to bring as many people to the lake of fire with him. If that was the case, he could just kill us when we reach an age of accountability. After all, we are born sinners. We are born separate from God (or are we?). So just being in the lake of fire with him couldn't be it.

I think what Satan wants is total devotion to him, as though he was God. I think that Satan wants people to acknowledge him, and follow him. That I believe is the Agenda of Satan.

Think about what caused his fall, pride. What do angels do in heaven? They deny themselves, cover their faces and point to God. But Satan no longer wants to do that. He wants to point to himself instead.

So I don't think that he is satisfied with people just not following the one true God, Christ Jesus.

Remember, because Satan is not God, he attempts to mimick God with his false prophecies and false miracles. He deceives people so that they would acknowledge him is though he was God.

So... Satan's ultimate goal is to have for himself, the worship and following of people as though he was God.

Total devotion to Satan and his will.

Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for salvation. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. Without God we would easily follow Satan as most of the world is doing in some shape or form. Salvation is truly a miracle gift from The Most High God. Amen.

What do you think is Satan's agenda?

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