Friday, 4 April 2014

Looking Young For My Age

At this moment, there is a debate that is raging in the church... well... the portion og the church that is located in the states.

What's being debated?

The age of the earth.

On one side, you have the young earth creationists (YEC)... and on the other side are the atheists, agnostics, anti-Christs, christians...

That's right. Christians have sided with those who are unashamedly anti-Christ to go against their brethren.

The are known as old age creationists (OAC).

Ultimately though, as these things typically go, the argument is not really about the age of earth... but the authority of the scriptures.

You see, the YECs teach that if you start from the bible, you will see that the earth... indeed the universe as we know it, is relatively young.

In the YEC camp are scientists and inventors who back up their claim with scientific results.

The OECs on the other hand believe that not only does the bible not teach a young universe, but the findings of the anti-Christ scientists are actually true... regardless of whether or not their scientific results contradict the scriptures.

The response from the YECs is that the anti-Christ's results are not just false, but are made up but promoted as though they had sound scientific proof when they clearly do not when scientifically scrutinised... and they give the theory of evolution as proof of this.

The YECs say that the OECs actually hurt the credibility of christianity with their... not only unscientific but unbiblical stance.

And although the OECs have rejected that thought, the anti-Christs have gone on record to agree with the YECs on this point.

The anti-Christs believe that thei scientific findings completely undermine the entire bible and reduces it to the level of imaginary tales by Dr. Seuss.

Whether or not you understand the evidence provided by both sides or not...

Whether you believe the earth is billions of years or not...

If you are a Christian, then you are someone whose primary goal is to obey the word of the Lord... to live by every word that proceeds from God.

A christian must believe that the bible is true... everything in it is true... else the very salvation they claim to have is false... or at the very least... suspect.

Jesus sums it up for us...

John 17:17 
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

If the word of God is not true... then it is not the word of God.

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