Monday, 6 June 2016

Deism and the Black Community

One of the things that i've noticed for all of my life, is that a lot of black people, claim to believe in God.

Yet, these people do not hold to any religion.

Not only that, their belief in "god" has not bearing on their life.

In otherwords, they are deists.

A deist is a person who believes that there is a god. This god is the one who created... creation.

And after everything was created, this god leaves everything to simply run.

This is the god that many black people believe in.

Even saying that, some may not understand what the problem is.

The issue is that, this god, is an idol.

The black deist rejects that idea that Jesus is God.

They, for the most part, reject the bible.

However, because they reject all forms of organised religion as well, any idea of god, comes down to their personal preference.

They actually make god in their own image.

The create their concept of god.

So, God has not spoken. God hs not revealed anything. God becomes almost, unknowable.

This is why many of these people proclaim that they are gods and goddesses.

It's not meant in the sense that they are all powerful or have a divine nature or something like that, rather, its to highlight that they are the ones who sets the course for life and reality.

That even though there is a god, because this god does not interact with creation, and has not spoken, they ultimately do not answer to any one.

Consequently, almost any and all ideas about god or spirituality becomes viable.

There may be a heaven and hell, but there may not be... who knows.

This has a knock-on effect on their morality.

Why? Well, if god hasnt spoken, then there is no objective moral code.

Morality becomes subjective, and usually, their morality is changed depending on their desires.

So, its wrong to steal from them, but its not wrong for them to steal.

Its wrong for someone to take advantage of them, but no wrong for them to take advantage of someone.

Their claims on truth also becomes meaningless.

For example, they will trumpet that black people are created in the image of God - taking from the bible that they say they dont believe in.

Here's the issue though. How do you know that black ppl were created in God's image?

Who told them that? Couldn't be god, because god hasnt spoken.

What does it even mean to be created in god's image?

Without God telling us what He meant when He said that, the phrase becomes whatever the hearer wants it to mean.

Its similar to someone creating a new piece of tech, giving it to people whove never seen tech, and not explaining to them what its supposed to do.

Those people will think its for all sorts of things until the creator actually gives instruction.

This is why you'll find so many deriding religion while uplifting spirituality.

They recognise that religion has guidelines, and they reject those guidelines... rightly or wrongly.

Rather, they prefer to be spiritualists. Spiritualism is simply another word for spiritual relativism.

Every spiritual idea and theological concept is viable and equally valid, because there are no guidelines.... except what that individual has created in their own minds.

This is why you'll hear, "only God can judge me". They don't believe that God will judge them. Especially because there are no objective guidelines, and they are morally and spiritually right based on their own thoughts.

So even if God were to judge, as far as they are concerned, God would use their self-created guideline as the standard of judgement. Which simply means that they will never be guilty.

These people become the prophets and priests for the god that they created in their head.

And their god, never has anything to say about their life, life after death, or anything else for that matter - because their god doesnt exist.

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