One of the saddest things in christendom today is the widespread unbelief that exists in the church.
And this unbelief is spread by those who claim to believe in Christ.
What does it look like?
Well, the scriptures tell us that the righteous walk by faith and not sight.
The the just live by faith in Christ.
Jesus even says that those who believe and do not see are blessed.
Yet in the church, there are many who will disregard the word of God if they don't see something.
Christian will make vain prayers to God, asking the Holy Spirit to "show up", as if God hasn't already told us that He already dwells in us.
If God doesn't do something visible for people to see during a service we treat it as though it wasn't the same written word of God that was being preached.
In these last days we see christians running here and there in hopes that God will give some kind of physical sign.
Yet the scriptures tell us that it's in that very same climate and mind frame that will cause many to be deceived because the enemy will provide many signs and wonders for people to get excited about... all of them being false and pointing to someone or something other than God.
Scripture tells us that it's by God's word, that has been written down and preserved for us, that will teach and prepare us for every good work that we will ever do within our christian life.
We are not supposed to be searching for a "fresh anointing".
Scripture doesn't say to wait for a still small voice.
Instead, we are commanded to read, study, and meditate on the word of the living God.
If a church is elevating signs and wonders to be on par with or more important than the study and expounding of the scriptures, that is a church to be wary of.
Many christians have even wandered into witchcraft thinking that God has spoken to them in some secret way that they have to figure out, when scriptures say that God explains whatever He speaks to His people.
Christians are reading omens and seeking to interpret dreams, when scripture warns us about doing those things.
Scripture even says that those who go on about dreams and visions are not people who we should look to for sound biblical teaching, yet those are the same people that christians not only run to but hold up as an example of what a christian should be.
If we are children of God, why doesn't our desire for the milk and meat of the word not trump all other spiritual desires?
Why are we constantly seeking for a sign, or some supernatural manifestation, before we simply trust and believe in the scriptures?
Is our trust in God so weak that we can't take Him at His word?
If it's true that the word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, why are we not trusting in the word of God, the scriptures, to do its job?
Let us repent for our disdain of the scriptures. Let us turn back to God with faith in what He's given to us.
For it is the only thing that He has chosen to give us that we know is without a doubt from Him.
And its through these scriptures that we learn everything that we need to know about God and how to live our christian life.
As it is written, "all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work".
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