Recently, our christian brother Jeff Durbin of Apologia Radio, was interviewed twice for project that he is doing called End Abortion Now - (Interview 1, 2).
During the interviews, the host of the show that he was on, was pushing false/heretical doctrine known commonly as Sinless Perfection.
In the last post, I looked at what would happen the the scriptures if their position was true.
This time, we'll tackle the elephant in the room. If the previous posts weren't bad enough, lets look at the most glaring and obvious issue.
3. Sinless perfectionism, hold the perfection.
The last point that i think is necessary to be made is the sheer self-deception and gall one would have to have to consider themselves sinless.
Not only does it elevate oneself way too much, but it greatly lowers God and robs Him of His due glory.
Why? Because God alone is perfect.
The sinless perfectionist of any stripe, to actually claim sinlessness, has to say that they've reached perfection.
Why? Because that is the command of God.
Matthew 5:48 (ESV) You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
To be perfect and sinless, one would have to love their neighbor perfectly and love God perfectly, as those are the commands that every other command rests on.
Matthew 22:36-40 (ESV) “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Jesse as well as Joyce state that they are becoming more like Christ.
That's not possible if you're sinless.
If there are areas in your life that needs to conform to Christ, that means there is sin in your life.
Why? Because Christ was indeed sinless.
Meaning He loved God and man perfectly.
So if the sinless perfectionist truly believes what they are saying, then they have already reached the end goal of every christian.
They are the real life standard that a christian can look to and imitate.
This means that God's perfection, His standard of holiness, is absolute moral standard is displayed at all time in the lives, hearts, and minds of the sinless perfectionist.
Never mind that the Apostle Paul says this...
Philippians 3:12 (ESV) Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.-
The sinless perfectionist elevates themselves and at the same time brings God to their level.
After all, if one is truly sinless then they become a reflection of God.
Why? Because you must remember that to be sinless is to be perfect like God is perfect.
So although one wouldn't necessarily be able to say raise people from the dead because of their being perfect, all of their actions and motives would be perfect due to their being no sin present.
The level of their love for God and man could not be surpassed. Even Jesus would be on their level.
We've now taken a look at sinless perfectionism and 3 aspects of how this doctrine is false and heretical.
It is not possible for a believer to ever reach a state of sinlessness in this life.
However, once the second coming of Christ takes place, and we receive our glorified bodies, then, and only then, will we be sinless and perfect.
As we will be like Christ from that moment and forever more.
Until then, the old man of sin will always be present, warring against our spiritual man.
And it's our responsibility to crucify our flesh daily, sowing to the spirit and not to the flesh. Walking in the good works that God has prepared for us.
Like Paul, let us continue to strive for the prize that is before us. Let us continue to set aside every weight of sin so that our race be not hindered and we can endure until the end.
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