Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Check Yo' self

Psalms 141:5 (ESV)  Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.

King David considered the physical correction and the verbal rebuke from a righteous person as kindness from the Lord

He understood that he wasn't always going to be right in his ways.

He understood that there would be times that he would need someone to come along side and help him to realise his error.

And that this help wouldn't always be gentle, but that even if the harsh words or being made to stop by some kind of physical action, is actually a blessing.

How different this is from a lot of christians today, where everybody must be gentle at all times

When a brother or sister sees another holding to false/dangerous/unorthodox/or even heretical doctrine, and the confront them in a stern or serious manner, a lot of christians will automatically take offense.

They will disregard the entirety of the correction, which David calls kindness from the Lord,  all because 'they didnt have to speak to me like that' or 'they dont have the right to come at me like that'.

The focus is completely taken off the corrective path/instructions given and put on how that correction was brought to them.

Dont get me wrong, im not saying that people are free to just walk up to us, slap us across the face, and tell us we must do something.

That's not what David is saying here.

David is recognising the chastisement of the Lord (Hebrews 12:5-11).

He recognises that the correction of the Lord comes in both a kind word as well as a harsh word. A gentle push in the right direction or being grabbed by the scruff of the neck if need be.

Both ways are kindness from the Lord.

We should have this mindset within us. After all, if we truly believe that God is sanctifying us, shaping us into the image of Christ, there are going to be times when He forcefully does things to us, as well as times when He's gentle.

And the person through whom that correction comes from, should be looked upon as the rod and staff of God in that instance. That person is being used by God as a kindness towards us.

We should also realise that this correction will not always come from someone who is a leader, or from someone who we esteem as being more mature/insightful than us. Or even someone who we believe is wiser than us.

If another brother or sister disagrees with a belief we have or an action we are taking, its in our best interest to consider what theyre saying.

Apply their concern to scripture to see if perhaps we've gone astray from the lighted path that God set out for us via His word.

Quite often, we do not make our decisions based on reasoning through scriptures but rather our feelings and traditions.

'ive been doing this for years, so it must be right'

'my church has taught this for years, so it must be right'

'this pastor is so wise and insightful, and God is blessing his ministry, so he must be correct on this point'

'this person isnt even a leader or in ministry, and ive been a leader in ministry for years, so they dont know what theyre talking about'

'this is what i feel God has told me about, and i know that i hear the voice of God when i get in my prayer closet, so this must be correct'

We neglect the sure word of God... The one place that we know 100% that its God speaking... the one place that God has promised to speak through to equip and guide us, His scriptures - and replace that sure foundation with feelings, traditions, and subjective things like private visions and dreams.

Let us seek the Lord with our whole heart. Let us use every opportunity as a way to grow in the Lord. Let us consider every critic of our action or doctrine as possible tools of correction in the hands of the Lord.

And instead of getting on our high horse because someone disagrees with ME (dont they know how long ive been doing this) or getting vex because they spoke to ME in that way (dont they know im a child of the King?)...

... let us humble ourselves by thanking God for His kindness and His caring enough about us to send someone to correct us or to have us consider and check if we've been straying without realising it - even those we perceive as not on the same spiritual level as us (Gen 20).

Until we all attain to the unity of the faith within the fullness of Christ Jesus.

Grace and Peace

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