Saturday, 2 April 2016

The Gospel Invitation

The Gospel invitation is not...

1. Ask Jesus into your heart

2. Make Jesus Lord of your life

3. Jesus is knocking on the door to your heart, let Him come in

The Gospel invitation is not even an invitation but a command.

And it is, the creator of the universe, who is Lord of lords, King of kings, and God of gods - entered into creation by becoming a human, taking the name Jesus

Lived a perfect life, obeying all the commands of the law that we break on a daily basis, in order to be declared righteous before God - fulfilling a myriad of prophecies as well

Died on the cross on our behalf, which was Him taking the full wrath/judgement/punishment of God that we have incurred (and will incur), which is the just penalty for breaking the commands of the creator of the universe

He ressurected on the third day after He was crucified publicly.

Showed himself to hundreds of people who saw Him die on the cross, proving that He arose from the dead.

And ascended into heaven to be seated at the right-hand of God the Father.

This man... This God... The person who was dead but is alive now and forever more.

The person who has power within Himself to lay His life down and to take back up again.

This person commands everyone everywhere to repent.

Turn from your sins and turn to Him in repentance.

For those who turn to Him in faith, believing what He says about Himself, He will save from the judgement that is to come - meaning He will grant them eternal life.

He will also cause them to be conformed more and more into the likeness of Himself.

So that they will love God more and more, and seek to obey Him and order their lives in a way that's pleasing to Him.

They will become children of righteousness. Sons and daughters of the most high God.

Adopted into God's family. Purchased by the blood of Christ, who saves His people from their sins.

That is the gospel we see proclaimed throughout the New Testament.

That is the gospel 'invatation' that we should be faithful to proclaim.

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